Apologies to My True Readers
2/05/2009 11:17:00 AM Posted In comment acceptance , stalker Edit This 3 Comments »
Dear Blog Family,
Quite recently ...trucee... was infected with a stalker. Because of this, we were forced to filter all of our comments, being that this is for business purposes and not for people to show their asses. We will continue to write blogs for our readers and hopefully continue to get the same support we've been getting. Sorry for the inconvenience, we are just trying to ensure that ...trucee... is only used for the purpose it was designed for...and not for this petty, childish, immature mess that one lonely female is trying to infect our blog with.
You are still able to comment on whatever you want, it just has to be approved by Serita or myself now. This wont take long considering we both have access to the site, so please keep sharing your opinions and asking questions that you would like answered.
-Ms. Simpson & Ms. Sophisticated :)
Quite recently ...trucee... was infected with a stalker. Because of this, we were forced to filter all of our comments, being that this is for business purposes and not for people to show their asses. We will continue to write blogs for our readers and hopefully continue to get the same support we've been getting. Sorry for the inconvenience, we are just trying to ensure that ...trucee... is only used for the purpose it was designed for...and not for this petty, childish, immature mess that one lonely female is trying to infect our blog with.
You are still able to comment on whatever you want, it just has to be approved by Serita or myself now. This wont take long considering we both have access to the site, so please keep sharing your opinions and asking questions that you would like answered.
-Ms. Simpson & Ms. Sophisticated :)
HI HATERS!!!!!!! You haters are a trip!!!!!!!!!
Cann't stop the haters... damn!!!
Hater free America! coming soon...
Hate seems to be the BEST promotion! So in my book, THEY HELPING US SUCCEED! Keep up the good work tho! haha...
Thanks for all of you guys support tho! :)
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